Friday, December 11, 2009

Poster Board Presentations!

Today was the last day for the Poster Board presentations. Overall I think they went well and that it was a really cool idea to do something like this. The set up was great and the fact that the audience would be tweeting about our boards was a great idea too.

I presented my poster on the Bionic hand as blogged about earlier, I did manage to get a few people interested and talked about it with them, explaining what the new technology was all about, however I didn't get as many tweets as I would have liked!

Today was the day I was the audience, and got to see alot of really cool ideas that people presented, I especially like skylar's, it was on the Bionic Contact Lense, a really neat idea that was somewhat closely related to mine, so it did spark my interests to say the least.

The set up was really cool too, we have rows of presenters and we would walk through and stop to ask about any board that caught our attention, behind the boards was a large wall that showed all the recent tweets about the posters and to the side were computers for those who didn't have a mobile device from which they could send their tweets.

Overall it was a great experience and I learned a lot from everyones boards and this class too, a lot of the things discussed in class could be seen through the posters and the way people presented too.

To check out the tweets, please go to twitter and search for com435.

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